getDate() Get the day as a number (1-31)
getDay() Get the weekday as a number (0-6)
getFullYear() Get the four digit year (yyyy)
getHours() Get the hour (0-23)
getMilliseconds() Get the milliseconds (0-999)
getMinutes() Get the minutes (0-59)
getMonth() Get the month (0-11)
getSeconds() Get the seconds (0-59)
getTime() Get the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)
getUTCDate() Same as getDate(), but returns the UTC date
getUTCDay() Same as getDay(), but returns the UTC day
getUTCFullYear() Same as getFullYear(), but returns the UTC year
getUTCHours() Same as getHours(), but returns the UTC hour
getUTCMilliseconds() Same as getMilliseconds(), but returns the UTC milliseconds
getUTCMinutes() Same as getMinutes(), but returns the UTC minutes
getUTCMonth() Same as getMonth(), but returns the UTC month
getUTCSeconds() Same as getSeconds(), but returns the UTC seconds
valueOf() = getTime()
setDate() Set the day as a number (1-31)
setFullYear() Set the year (optionally month and day)
setHours() Set the hour (0-23)
setMilliseconds() Set the milliseconds (0-999)
setMinutes() Set the minutes (0-59)
setMonth() Set the month (0-11)
setSeconds() Set the seconds (0-59)
setTime() Set the time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970)